Hi, NABCI Community,

Welcome to the new NABCI blog, and welcome to NABCI’s new and improved website!

This week, the US NABCI partnership is releasing our newly designed website, an easy-to-navigate site that both provides information on the US NABCI Committee, as well as directs members of the bird conservation community to information about national-level bird conservation partnerships and resources.

Our new site’s Resources section features a searchable Resources Directory with links to national bird conservation partnerships and bird plans, as well as resources on human dimensions, land and resource management, communications, and more. Our main Resources page also directs users to other compilations of bird conservation resources. This section also includes a description of Bird Conservation Regions as well as a map of BCRs in the US, Canada, and Mexico.

Also new on our site is a general section on the bird conservation community with an explanatory infographic that depicts some of the connections within US bird conservation. The site highlights several national bird partnerships and provides an overview of the 2015 Bird Partnership Workshop that sparked new collaborations and conversations within the bird conservation community.

The majority of NABCI’s work is done through Subcommittees, which are featured in our “How we Work” section along with some additional partnership work. To address that age-old question of “What is NABCI, anyway?” we’ve developed a more streamlined set of pages that document some of NABCI’s history, provide a home for NABCI’s meeting materials and governance documents, and provide a general overview of how NABCI is working towards integrated bird conservation.

As part of our transition to a more streamlined and user-friendly online presence for the US NABCI Committee, our All-Bird Bulletin, formerly a biannual PDF publication with each issue’s content aligned with a theme important to the bird community, will now be distributed as a bi-monthly blog. These blogs, still called the All-Bird Bulletin, will still focus on 3-4 themes per year but will now provide more frequent highlights by our partners of topics of interest.

Many thanks to our Communications Subcommittee (CommComm) Co-Chairs, Greg Butcher and Matt Cimitile, and the rest of the CommComm and NABCI Committee members for all of their work to make this site happen!