Actions and outcomes that benefit birds can also have far-reaching benefits for human health, economic interests, and other human goals.  Engaging diverse stakeholders to work towards common goals can ensure we have the capacity and buy-in to tackle complex conservation challenges. Within the bird-focused conservation community, partners often collaborate with such diverse groups as private landowners, agricultural organizations, industry, land trusts, transportation departments, and local community groups.  For these partners, birds are often not the first priority.

How can bird conservation professionals demonstrate the links between bird conservation and other human goals to engage potential partners in working together to achieve common goals?  NABCI has created a Relevancy Toolkit to help bird conservation professionals draw links between bird conservation and clean air, clean water, human health, and a diverse set of economic interests. We have collected dozens of published studies linking birds and bird conservation with other human benefits. These examples can provide a “hook” for engaging potential partners outside  traditional bird conservation spheres and opening dialogues about potential areas of collaboration.


New! January 2021- Relevancy Toolkit 2.0– This improved Toolkit offers new examples of connections between bird conservation and other human goals in a more user-friendly document with improved organization and design.

Resources Connecting Bird Conservation with Other Benefits