NABCI 2017-2021 Strategic Plan and 2019-2020 Work Plan – The U.S. NABCI Committee facilitates collaborative partnerships that advance biological, social, and scientific priorities for North American bird conservation; this document identifies three strategic goals for 2017-2021 and enumerates actions and tasks to achieve these goals over the next few years.
NABCI Charter – The NABCI Charter was approved in 2008 and revised in 2013, 2017, and 2019; it defines NABCI’s policies and governance structure.
Subcommittee Leadership Roles and Responsibilities– This informal document outlines the eligibility and expectations for NABCI Subcommittee Chairs and Co-Chairs.
Guidance for Creating NABCI Subcommittee Work Plans– Every 1-3 years, each Subcommittee is expected to present a Work Plan to the NABCI Committee for review and approval. This guidance, approved at the August 2017 NABCI meeting, describes how these work plans should be structured.