The US NABCI Committee brings together partners that work across state and country boundaries, and across taxonomic groups at a landscape scale to ensure that North American bird conservation is coordinated at a scale most relevant for the birds we work with.
Conserving Birds Across Landscapes
Both humans and wildlife depend upon earth’s natural landscapes for sustenance and survival. Sustainable conservation requires that the biological needs of birds, and a host of other wildlife, are incorporated into land-use policies, programs, and management practices affecting broad landscapes at regional scales. Since bird populations respond throughout their ranges to changes and variations in conditions, bird conservation must be delivered in the context of achieving a pre-established design of landscape sustainability. For more information about NABCI’s involvement in bird conservation across geopolitical boundaries, visit the Joint Venture and Landscape Conservation Cooperative pages.
Conserving Birds Across Taxonomic Groups
Birds of different taxonomic groups, such as waterfowl, raptors, shorebirds, and songbirds, often share the same habitats or use adjoining habitats within a landscape. By using a common spatial language and ecological framework to identify priority habitats and sites shared among birds of different taxonomic groups, conservation actions can be directed comprehensively to all priority birds within a landscape. Finding such ‘common ground’ is key to conserving North America’s precious bird diversity. Science and communication tools such as the State of the Birds report highlight conservation challenges and solutions across landscapes, and the Unified Science Team is working to ensure consistency of science across taxa.
Conserving Birds Across Geopolitical Boundaries
Most birds travel great distances across our geopolitical landscapes – flying hundreds, in some cases thousands of miles during annual migrations. On-the-ground management is often linked to bird population response at the regional or continental scale. Bird conservation, therefore, requires broad geographical perspectives – perspectives that are regional, national, continental, hemispheric, even global in scale. Coordinating and supporting conservation activities across these geopolitical boundaries will insure that birds are protected throughout the geographic ranges of their annual life cycles. Learn more about NABCI’s involvement in bird conservation across geopolitical boundaries.