Migratory birds are not limited by state or country boundaries, and bird conservationist recognize the need to focus on full annual cycle bird conservation- efforts that work to protect migratory birds wherever they occur throughout the year. With our State of North America’s Birds report calling for renewed investment in conservation across borders, the Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial highlighting the importance of international cooperation for bird conservation, and our Demographics Monitoring report emphasizing full life cycle monitoring, NABCI is poised to play an important role in international conservation. In February 2016, the US NABCI Committee re-established an international subcommittee to coordinate with Canada and Mexico on North American bird conservation issues, as well as to solidify our plan to support hemispheric conservation efforts and partnerships.
See the NABCI International Subcommittee’s 2018 Work Plan.
In December 2016, the NABCI Committees of the US, Mexico, and Canada released a North American Vision for Hemispheric Bird Conservation, meant to guide our collaborative, international bird conservation for the next 100 years.
International Relevancy Brochures
General Brochure – English, Spanish
Brochure for Government Audience – English, Spanish
Brochure for Impact Investors – English, Spanish
Rob Clay, Chair
(Vacant), Co-Chair