Increasing awareness of bird conservation initiatives and support for funding programs to achieve sustainable bird populations are critical components of NABCI’s mission. Effective communication enhances coordination among conservation partners that can lead to greater, more lasting results. Raising public awareness on the benefits of birds to nature and society as well as the risks posed by environmental issues such as loss of habitat and climate change can generate support at the local, state, and national level, resulting in solutions to problems that benefit the economy, the environment, and people.

The Communications Subcommittee is working to engage and inform a variety of audiences – from policymakers and industry to the bird conservation community and the general public – on major bird conservation issues and the successes taking place to address these issues. One of the tools used to achieve engagement is the State of the Birds Reports, which seeks to motivate partners to come together and speak with one voice. The Communications Subcommittee also produces the All-Bird Bulletin, a publication that highlights projects and partnerships along themes that are important to the bird community.


Scott Anderson, Chair
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

(Vacant), Co-Chair