For over ten years, NABCI has released a biannual newsletter, the All-Bird Bulletin, with articles centered on important issues and emerging themes in bird conservation. Past themes have included topics such as the power of citizen science for bird conservation, the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, using remote sensing information to understand landscape change, and NABCI Partnerships in Action.
As part of our transition to a more streamlined and user-friendly online presence for the U.S. NABCI Committee, our All-Bird Bulletin will now be distributed as a bi-monthly blog. These blogs, still referred to as All-Bird Bulletins, will provide more frequent highlights and accomplishments by our partners on topics of interest.
In 2017, the All-Bird Bulletin will broadly focus on six themes:
Human Dimensions: Attitudes, behaviors, and choices of people often drive conservation, directly or indirectly. This blog theme will highlight how partners have successfully used social science to address and solve bird conservation challenges.
International/Wintering Grounds: In 2016, we celebrated the Centennial anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty between the U.S. and Canada, the release of the 2016 State of North America’s Birds report, and a draft hemispheric vision looking forward to the next 100 years of collaborative bird conservation. With these milestones, the U.S., Mexico, and Canada have recommitted to international cooperation to conserve ou
r shared migratory birds. These blogs will focus on full life cycle conservation and how partners are working to protect a shared resource when birds are residing outside of our country.
Private and Working Lands: Farms, private forests, land trusts, and other private lands play an important role for birds through Farm Bill or other voluntary conservation programs. These blogs will highlight the successes and challenges of conservation on private and working lands.
Birds as Indicators: Bird conservation is about more than just birds – the clean water, clean air, and healthy ecosystems birds need are also essential for people to thrive. This theme will focus on the relevance of bird conservation: how bird conservation has positive benefits for economics, human health, and landscape conservation.
Birds and Public Policy: Several key programs, including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, State Wildlife Grants, and the Farm Bill work to support bird conservation on public and private lands, nationally and internationally. These blogs will highlight some of the policies that serve as the cornerstones of bird conservation in the United States.
Monitoring: Monitoring serves as a critical element of conservation practice; it allows us to detect conservation problems as they are occurring and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation practices. These blogs will focus on the critical role monitoring plays in bird conservation.
We hope you enjoy – and contribute – to our new All-Bird Bulletin over the coming months and years!