More than two-thirds of the land area in the United States is privately owned, with 914 million acres in farms or ranches and approximately 300 million acres in private forest. These working lands, which represent much of the country’s remaining open space and habitat, are vitally important to the conservation of soil, water, and fish and wildlife resources.

This Subcommittee was formed to help state and federal land management agencies, as well as non-government conservation organizations, better interact with private landowners to facilitate bird conservation on these lands.  We work with partners to identify opportunities to integrate bird conservation priorities into private lands conservation efforts. We work in many different arenas, such as assisting the U.S. Department of Agriculture in implementing Farm Bill conservation programs to maximize benefits for a variety of birds across the country and providing information and resources to land trusts about bird habitat conservation.

Projects, Products, and Resources


Joseph Roy, Chair
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

(Vacant), Co-Chair